Mass Setting Permissions on Remote Shares

2 minute read

I was recently asked by one of my teammates to add several NTFS permissions to the root folders of a bunch of shares. Seems easy, but I had two problems:

  1. The shares were stored on a NetApp Filer, so I couldn’t use any WMI trickery (or the new SMB module for Windows 8)
  2. There are about 2,000 shares, so the good old manual method is out of the question

Of course, PowerShell has a solution.
The script was composed of two parts:

  1. Discovering all shares on the Filer
  2. Setting the permissions on each share

For the share discovery, I looked for an elegant way but could not find one. Eventually I noticed that “net view” worked, so I figured I can parse its output.

Shared resources at \\SERVER

Share name            Type   Used as  Comment

Files                 Disk
Lexmark C772 PS (MS)  Print           Lexmark C772 PS (MS)
Lexmark E360dn (MS)   Print           Lexmark E360dn (MS)
NETLOGON              Disk            Logon server share
SYSVOL                Disk            Logon server share
The command completed successfully.

As you can see, some cleanup is required.
I started with skipping the first seven rows to remove the fancy header.
Then I filtered only rows that contain disk with spaces before and at least 5 after (even though there are no Print shares on the Filer anyway).
Finally, I used a regex trick (-matching to out-null and extracting members of $matches) to extract the Share name from each line.
This resulted in:

$server = 'SERVERNAME'
$rawShares = net view \\$server /all | select -s 7 | ?{$_ -match 'disk\s{5,}'} | %{$_ -match '^(.+?)\s+Disk\s{5,}'|out-null;$matches[1]}

Permission Settings

This part is pretty unadventurous, although it’s the one most prominent to fail (due to access denied errors etc.).
I firstly created an array of ACEs (Access Control Entries) I wanted to add:

$aces = @(
 (new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule 'DOMAIN\Filer Admins','FullControl','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow'),
 (new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule 'DOMAIN\Filer Readers','Read','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow')

After this, it’s all about enumerating the shares and adding the ACEs:

$rawShares | %{
 $share = "\\$server\$_"
 $acl = get-acl $share
 $aces | %{$acl.AddAccessRule($_)}
 set-acl $share $_

And that’s it.


Because I wanted to add error handling and basic reporting, I added to the foreach block:

  • try/catch blocks
  • Generation of a small report object


$rawShares | %{
 $share = "\\$server\$_"
 $err = $null
 $acl = get-acl $share
 $aces | %{$acl.AddAccessRule($_)}
 set-acl $share $_
 5 | select `
} | out-gridview

And that’s it.
The whole script looks like this:

$server = 'SERVERNAME'
# Get all shares
$rawShares = net view \\$server /all | select -s 7 | ?{$_ -match 'disk\s{5,}'} | %{$_ -match '^(.+?)\s+Disk\s{5,}'|out-null;$matches[1]}
# Prepare new ACEs
$aces = @(
 (new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule 'DOMAIN\Filer Admins','FullControl','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow'),
 (new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule 'DOMAIN\Filer Readers','Read','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow')
# Add ACEs to share ACLs
$rawShares | %{
 $share = "\\$server\$_"
 $err = $null
 $acl = get-acl $share
 $aces | %{$acl.AddAccessRule($_)}
 set-acl $share $_
 5 | select `
} | out-gridview
