Get Android App Sizes with ADB

1 minute read

Upon receiving a notification from my NVidia Shield indicating that it was running low on storage space, I attempted to use the device’s interface to troubleshoot the issue.
I found the interface to be cumbersome and unintuitive. Fortunately, I had recently enabled the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) for the purpose of automating tasks, so I decided to utilize it to solve the problem.


$ adb connect shield.local

Complete whatever prompts pop up on the device


set -euo pipefail

get_field() {
  # Find correct field
  RES="$(echo "$1" | perl -ne 'print $1,$/ if /^'"$2"': (.+)$/')"
  # If numeric values, translate from bytes into GB with 0.1 percision
  if [[ -n "${3:-}" ]]; then
    RES="$(echo "$RES" | jq '. | map(. / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 | (. * 10 | floor | . / 10)) ')"
  # Return
  echo "$RES"

RAW="$(adb shell dumpsys diskstats)"

echo '{}' | jq \ 
  --argjson names "$(get_field "$RAW" "Package Names")" \
  --argjson sizes "$(get_field "$RAW" "App Sizes" n)" \
  --argjson data "$(get_field "$RAW" "App Data Sizes" n)" \
  --argjson cache "$(get_field "$RAW" "Cache Sizes" n)" \
  '[$names, $sizes, $data, $cache] | transpose | .[] | {"name": .[0], "app": .[1], "data": .[2], "cache":.[3]} | (.total = .app + .data + .cache)' |
  jq -s 'sort_by(.total) | reverse' | 
  jq -c '.[]'


$ bin/android-app-stats

With some post-processing:

$ bin/android-app-stats | head | jq '{name, total}' -c

I found out that Kodi is the major offender, and did some spring cleaning.