Disabling “generate Publisher Evidence” using scripts
I found the script we were using to disable authenticode on our machines, a feature that causes great suffering (and dll-loading-delays) to workstations not connected to the Internet when using various Microsoft products (i.e. SQL Management Studio, SharePoint).
Note the line at the end - the script tries to find all machine.config
files on the local machine, but you might want to modify other files
(remote machines, only version 4 etc.).
Also, this script modifies windows configuration files, so make sure to
test critical systems afterwards (perhaps reboot the
function Modify-Config([string]$filename,[string]$backupDir="~"){
Write-Verbose "Loading XML $filename"
$doc = new-object xml
Write-Verbose 'Locating parent node (/configuration/runtime)'
$parent = $doc.SelectSingleNode('/configuration/runtime')
if(!$parent){Write-Error 'Non-default xml. Stopping'}
Write-Verbose 'Locating child node (generatePublisherEvidence)'
$child = $parent.generatePublisherEvidence
Write-Verbose 'Creating child node'
$child = $doc.CreateElement('generatePublisherEvidence')
Write-Verbose 'Checking attribute "enabled"'
if($child.enabled -ne $false){
Write-Verbose 'Creating node "enabled"'
$att = $doc.CreateAttribute('enabled')
Write-Verbose 'Setting "enabled" to "false"'
$child.enabled = $false
# If modified, save
Write-Verbose 'Backing up file'
if($backupDir) {cp $filename -dest $backupDir}
Write-Verbose 'Saving file'
('Framework','Framework64') | %{"$env:windir\Microsoft.NET\$_"} | ?{test-path $_} | %{ls $_ -fi 'v*' | ?{$_.mode -like 'd*'}} | select -exp fullname | %{"$_\CONFIG\machine.config"} | ?{test-path $_} | %{Modify-Config $_}